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What a privilege and responsibility it is to train the health and social care workers of the future!
Universities and colleges using Whose Shoes?® say it helps their students bridge the gap between academic theory and the reality of practice placements.
Many are using the tool to invite service users and practitioners to come and facilitate or join in.
Help your students to engage and empathise with key partners: people using services, carers, staff, managers, commissioners and service providers.
“This is an excellent way of exploring the range of views held in relation to personalisation. As people relax, they let go of pre-conceived ideas and start to play around with new concepts and become quite creative. It is fun, non-threatening but very challenging. It’s a great teaching tool”
Ali Gardner
Senior Lecturer, Department of Social Work, Manchester Metropolitan University
"We have found that by being able to put ourselves ‘in the shoes’ of people who use services and carers, as well as managers, front-line workers and care providers, we are better able to understand the complexity of the personalisation agenda and how we can make effective contributions to our workplaces"
Student feedback
Manchester Metropolitan University
The images used on the website page backgrounds are based on graphic records
produced in real time during 'Whose Shoes®' events by New Possibilities Ltd.