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Whose Shoes?® is being used increasingly by NHS and other health providers in the UK.
It provides a powerful tool to explore issues internally (e.g. a team away day) or to work with partners to develop integrated care pathways. It is a great tool for starting the co-production process - getting people together and enabling them to explore the changing landscape of social care and health as equals.
The board version of Whose Shoes?® has been used with cancer and other specialist health professionals; in services for older people, including people with dementia; in housing and Extra Care settings; with people with learning disabilities; and with people with mental health issues.
The University of Wolverhampton has used Whose Shoes?® as a tool to support a major Workforce Transformation project across four Local Authorities (Walsall, Dudley, Sandwell and Wolverhampton) and corresponding Primary Care Trusts. This project set out to encourage culture change through partnership working, shared learning and personalised, seamless service provision. It included developing a care pathway for frail elderly individuals and people with dementia.
This work has helped develop new content for inclusion in the electronic version, developed in partnership with Think Local, Act Personal (TLAP) to support the 'Making It Real' programme.
The electronic version of Whose Shoes?® has been built in partnership with Think Local, Act Personal (TLAP) aligned to the key themes, principles and 'I' statements of 'Making It Real'.
We encourage care providers to sign up to 'Making It Real' and to use Whose Shoes?® to work with people using your services to identify your 'top 3 priorities' ... and then move on to co-produce truly person-centred solutions.
The images used on the website page backgrounds are based on graphic records
produced in real time during 'Whose Shoes®' events by New Possibilities Ltd.